...or better said, the Catholics wear it, ...as she is the image of Catholics, the Virgin Mary, and she's all dressed in a LV-branded cape. This is art...or maybe a sign related to our consumerism society? I must admit I was rather shocked when I discovered this picture on Francesco De Molfetta's piece of art. But was relieved when I read his description of it: the statue should “denounce a society based on the cult of appearance through the use of a brand that represents the search for ephemeral happiness.”
Maybe this piece is just a sign, of what I was mentioning before, for the LV-tatooed neck of that runway-model: luxury is nice, it's actually wonderful, that's why I chose this path, but luxury should be a means of pleasure, and not a way of making us slaves of big companies around the globe. The 100% luxury is still, in my opinion, the made-to-order, the one of a kind piece, which is not necessarily branded, but caters to the needs and desires of its wearer and is not a means to show social status and financial power. And let's face it,...I've met some women wearing a luxury bag (not a LV, but won't mention the brand for now) which was the most unpractical bag they had ever had,...as there was no way they could have arranged their belongings inside it, as they were all sliding to the middle...in short, it was a PAIN...for around 900 Euros...that is not happiness!!!
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