Everyone has been affected in a way or another by the crisis... or have they? At the Business of Luxury Summit 2009 in Monaco, organized by the Financial Times, everyone was screaming about the crisis, about going green and going East. So what happened? Montblanc is expanding, Hermes just launched its "baby", a new Chinese brand, and Louis Vuitton is expanding again. So now the crisis starts, at least for Louis Vuitton. Why you might ask? No, not because there are no buyers,...au contraire, because now there are too many and the logistics didn't bare this in mind. A new production facility is under construction and it will hopefully boost the current production power of the 11 centers in France. Until then, the sales will have to suffer? No, not because what they produce is not sold,...but they don't produce as much as they could sell, so Paris store will be closed down 1hour earlier until the Christmas season. They plan to avoid this way remaining with their shelves empty before the holidays. Great decision! Who was talking about financial crisis? Look at the picture below to see what craze this company creates!!! Wishing Louis Vuitton a Merry Christmas :)

(Picture Source:http://www.luxuo.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/louis-vuitton-china.jpg)
Dedicated to my frequent reader I heard about on Friday. Thank you, Alex :)
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