This post is mainly dedicated to a friend of mine, who at the moment is an American away from home. So, my dear Darryl, wishing you again Happy Turkey Day. And for all of you Americand out there, happy belated Thanksgiving.
And because this post goes mainly out to Darryl, here's an item of news on one of your favourite brands, Burberry. The luxury fashion brand has passed over 3 million Facebook fans, being that type of brand with the most fans on the social network. I just need to remind you all that one month ago the brand had hust passed the 2 million line. 2011 they are also supposed to open a shop in Bucharest. I'm looking forward to it!
Enjoy the weekend! And also the Burberry collection for the Festive Season pictures you can check out here!

I love Burberry, their tradition and sense for fashion and the fact that it's one of the few British luxury brands with such an important position on the international market (among all the Italian and French likewise brands). Nice festive pictures they have. Have a great weekend, Ingrid!