Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Stylish Blogger Award

Dear all,

yesterday I received an e-mail which made my day. It was telling me that I had been awarded the Stylish Blogger Award, which you can nicely admire on the right-hand-side of my blog now. Furthermore, there is a link behind it, letting you know that this award has been given to me by the wonderful Ada from classiq.ro.

Here's a quote from the e-mail: "According to the rules, you have to tell 7 things about yourself, link your post to the person who's given you the award, pick 10 blogs you love, pass the award onto them and let these bloggers know that they have received a stylish blogger award."

So here it goes:
(Picture Source: http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRAiCx7Bqnv2crid43VE3r6UOokdoWvDjD9fxEWhPmTWLQkowd5hg)

1. First thing about me is that I am surprised about this award. Not that I don't think that my style/blog etc isn't stylish enough, but rather because my blog has been more of a niche one and has less contact to fashion in general than all the other blogs I am reading or my readers are reading. Nor have I put many pictures of me posing in various clothes or pictures of my latest acquisitions. I find that all that is less relevant for me and that I want to know and share more on how beautiful, unique things are done and what their history/tradition is. Plus, I think that Coco Chanel was perfectly right when saying that fashion fades while style remains the same.

2. I love food. I love good food. And most of the time I prefer saying that we live to eat and not that we eat to live. Gastronommy is one of the finest arts for me...if well done. More on this subject soon on a London-Series episode.

3. If I could choose to have only one alcoholic drink in my fridge, it would be Champagne. It goes with almost everything!

4. One of my very strong connection to the big luxury houses is because I love doing equestrian sports. Most of the companies, such as Hermes, Louis Vuitton, A.Dunhill started from making harnesses and their craftsmanship into this field made them create reliable and durable leather goods. Hermes still creates saddles nowadays.

5. I love the summer and prefer te seaside, even in winter!

6. I love Greek music. I think it is so simple in the lyrics while the melody touches your inner chordes and even the most insensitive person could melt to these songs. I like them because they show that life is never easy nor is it as we would like it to be,...but we can sing our grief or sorrow and then still move on with a smile upon our faces,...because there are new horizons ready to be discovered.

7. I'm not someone who respects traditions by the book, but there are some small traditions which remind me of home. One of them is the offering of the "Martisor", and I know that being away from home and not getting it is sometimes a reason for sadness and thinking of home. Well, my girls abroad, this one goes out to you girls!

(Picture Source: rockeritza96iris.wordpress.com)

So now I must award this Stylish Blogger Award to ten other bloggers, which is a bit difficult for me, as most of the blogs I follow are on gastronomy.
So there it goes:
- Ada for classiq.ro , because, even if you awarded me this prize, I still adore your blog and find you should do carry on the work you're doing now!
- Arina from arinavarga.ro - because I like your work especially
- Ioana from Fashezine.com - because we all like your blog and work
- thestudentsguidetoaffordableluxury.blogspot.com - because style is not dependent on money
- micdejundebucuresti.blogspot.com - because style begins with breakfast
- Dana from danarogoz.onemagazine.ro - beacause even if she says she's a fashion addict, she's a style addict for sure

I know it's not ten, but as I said, I follow more gastronomy blogs and luxury blogs where there is a whole team behind the project, not just one stylish blogger.

It's the beginning of spring (altough it doesn't really look like it), so think happy thoughts! I will be back soon with some more on the London Series.


  1. Thank you in return, Ingrid! :) Your blog being a niche one makes it the more special. I don't post photos with myself or my latest acquisitions either. The reason is pretty much the same: I find my kind of posting more relevant for me and for what I want to share with my readers. I hope you'll have a very beautiful spring! :)

  2. Thank you, dear! This really a nice surprise :) As for the moment both me and the rest of the family are at home sick so I am taking a little break but I'll follow this up as soon as I get a little energy back! /L

  3. Haha,...you are welcome! Don't worry, I am also home and sick,...I can't even believe I was at my desk today for the last five hours, working on my latest blog entry on Alain Ducasse.
    @Ada: Thank you my dear, a very beautiful spring to you too!

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