First of June is the day we celebrate our children, a day filled with so much joy (even on television programs), a day which is like a breath of fresh air. We take a break from all the daily fuss and just think for a moment of the little souls surrounding us and how much we want to protect them from all that is bad and spoiled in this world.

However, we do not actually stop to protect the soul which lives inside our body, the soul that belongs 100% to us. It is funny, but it is my parents who remind me I am still their child, even if all grown up. And in some cases it's the great friends with whom you can make a total fool out of yourself - just for fun - and they won't judge you wrong for doing that. It is them who help you stay the child you once were (and his does not exclude maturity).
This is why, today, I allowed myself to be a bit more playful than usual and create some mood-boards as images for what you should never exclude from your life.

Flower-power should not only be attributed to the hippie-period, but should be a golden rule in life. Don't you feel better when you see trees blossoming in spring? I guess it's the same thing with flowers all around you.

I think I could imagine the world without many things, bu I would never imagine it without music. And I would never imagine myself without my music which gives me a rhythm through every day situation...

...and with that rhythm I feel I am ready to dance through good and bad times in my life.

Even if your documents state that you are no longer a child in age, never stop playing! Life is so sad if we take it too serious and really no fun if we don't play. Make your job, your family, your friends, part of a game where you decide the rules and where everything is waking up for in the morning. Don't interpret the word "game" in a negative way. It's all about the positive energy you should put into the things you do, without bothering too much about the outcome. This is what children do...and look at them how happy they smile, even if their clothes are all dirty at the end of the day.

Last, but not least, don't be colourblind. See the world in all its colours and never forget the child in you. Make it wake up and enjoy the day!
Happy anniversary, children of this world!
(mood-boards created with Polyvore)
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