This summer I did not have a proper vacation...things just turned out like this and I did not pack my suitcase as usual for one or two or even more weeks of adventure/relaxation somewhere away from home. No foreign country week (although my family and I had just 3 days at the beginning of June out of Romania)...but I do not regret it a bit.
For me this was a summer of rediscovering my country, my family, my friends, my happiness and my freedom...so what can be better than that?
With a dear friend of mine from South Korea, I rediscovered the joy of simple walks in Bucharest, and admired the fact that my city is actually greener than people know it to be...
I went to Romanian traditional arts and crafts fairs and also rediscovered nice culinary products...but that's the topic of another entry...

I stayed for two weekends with great family friends at the seaside and rediscovered the joy of small things: the wind blowing through my hair, dipping my feet in the warm water at sundown or just jumping like a child who has no worries in his life...

I rediscovered the pleasure of winning and the satisfaction of things coming to you when you least expect them, such as this Lana dress I got from my friend Ioana from Fashezine. And what better item to fit in my wardrobe this summer than this dress...for my Romanian summer with my Romanian adventure and my oh so great friends I have and I rediscover here in Romania.

I leave you now with a series of pictures which are hopefully transmitting you the good mood I have had this summer and reminding you that you can be lucky, just how I was, by only entering my giveaway I am hosting here. And remember: such summers last for as much you want them to!!!

Pictures and text (C) Ingrid Sabine Weber. All Rigts Reserved.