The long awaited KARL is (being) released at this very moment, with a premiere on net-a-porter. After having had a collaboration with the Swedish Brand H&M, Karl Lagerfeld now offers his own name as a fashion collection which should be more affordable to the masses (prices ranging from 24 to around 1000 Euro).
The collection will be available for four weeks and has 70 pieces, including dresses, pants, shoes, bags and T-Shirts.
I find it very KARL, very sleek, straight lines, well-defined shape, KARL colours (or non-colours), Karl accessories, leather, studs... a piece of the designer's image - and it's all affordable. So go ahead and check it out on net-a-porter.com and let me know about your favourite piece.

(Pictures sources: Pics 1-5 via http://fashion.telegraph.co.uk and Pics 6-9 via net-a-porter.com)
レイバンは良いですよ!といつもうるさい友達がいる。来月がその友達の誕生日になるので、プレゼントでもしょうと考えている。レイバン RB2140にするか、レイバン RB3025にするかと迷っている。キミならどっちを選ぶのでしょう?